One query to a popular AI chatbot uses as much energy as a lightbulb for 20 minutes. This is more than 10 times what a simple Google search uses1. This shows how much energy AI needs as it grows and enters more fields.

By 2026, the 2,700 AI data centers in the U.S. could use six percent of the country’s electricity. This is two percent more than in 20221. The International Energy Agency says data centers, AI, and crypto used 460 terawatt hours in 2022. This is over a tenth of the U.S.’s total electrical use that year1. These numbers show AI’s big energy use and the need to find ways to use less.

Key Takeaways

  • AI, especially generative models like ChatGPT, uses a lot of energy because it needs a lot of computing power to make text, images, and videos.
  • Data centers around the world use about 1-1.5 percent of global electricity, mostly from fossil fuels.
  • The need for energy-hungry AI raises ethical questions and could harm efforts to use more sustainable energy.
  • To cut AI’s energy use, we need better tech and policies that encourage green data centers.
  • Everyone involved in AI, from developers to policymakers, must focus on making AI more energy-efficient and sustainable to reduce its environmental harm.

The Growing Power Demands of AI Models

Artificial intelligence (AI) models are getting smarter and handling more data. This makes them use a lot of power. A single query to a popular AI chatbot can use as much power as a lightbulb for 20 minutes. This is more than 10 times what a simple Google search uses2.

This shows how much energy advanced AI systems need. And this need will only grow as the technology gets better.

The Insatiable Appetite of AI Models

Big AI models like GPT-3 and StyleGAN2 need a lot of power. They use hundreds of kilowatts per hour for tasks and training3. For example, OpenAI’s GPT-3 model used 284 megawatt-hours of energy for training. That’s as much as 100 average American households use in a year3.

Each processing unit, like a GPU, can use up to 800 watts of power3. Running a 100-token input in models like ChatGPT is like using 20 hairdryers or 160 light bulbs at once3.

This high energy use is a big problem for AI’s future. It could harm the environment and make AI less sustainable. We need to find ways to make AI use less power for a greener future.

“The energy consumption of AI models is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. As these systems become more powerful, their impact on global energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions is likely to increase exponentially.”

AI’s growing power needs could also lead to water shortages. Data centers use a lot of water for cooling and other needs2. This could cause problems in areas where water is already scarce2.

To solve AI’s energy problems, we need better hardware and software. We also need to use more renewable energy. By working on these issues, we can make AI more sustainable and eco-friendly23.

The Rise of Data Centers and Energy Consumption

Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting more powerful, leading to more data centers in the U.S. By 2026, these centers will use six percent of the country’s electricity, up from four percent in 20224. This increase is also due to electric vehicles, which could double the nation’s electricity demand in a few decades4.

Insights from Gregory Nemet

Nemet says AI data centers and electric vehicles are driving up electricity demand4. Companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google are using renewable energy to cut carbon emissions4. But, public utilities in states like Georgia and Texas are finding it hard to keep up with this demand4.

The energy use of AI is a big problem worldwide, not just in the U.S. A single AI chatbot query uses as much energy as a lightbulb for 20 minutes, more than a Google search4. In 2022, data centers, AI, and cryptocurrency used 460 terawatt hours, over 10 percent of U.S. electrical use4.

As AI demand grows, finding ways to use less energy is key. Researchers are working on making AI more energy-efficient. Microsoft has already cut its chatbot server energy use by 10 times4.

The fast growth of AI and its energy use are big challenges. Policymakers and stakeholders must find ways to make AI sustainable and reduce its environmental impact4.

AI and Energy Consumption: The Hidden Cost of Technology

The world is moving fast towards artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. But, there’s a big hidden cost – the energy it uses. Data centers, AI, and cryptocurrency used 460 terawatt hours in 2022. That’s more than a tenth of the U.S. electrical use that year5.

This energy use is bad for the environment. Most of it comes from fossil fuels, which pollute and harm our planet5.

AI needs lots of computing power, which uses a lot of energy. This makes the electrical grid work harder5. Cloud computing and crypto-mining add to this problem, making it harder for the grid to keep up5.

AI’s energy use hurts communities that are already struggling. It makes the grid work too hard, leading to power shortages5. The old electrical grid can’t handle the new demands, risking blackouts5.

AI and energy consumption

We need to find ways to make AI use less energy. This includes making neural networks more efficient and using green computing6. New ideas like decentralized microgrids could help. They offer better energy use and are more sustainable5.

As AI changes our world, we must face its hidden costs. We need a future that is both sustainable and efficient for everyone7.

Strategies for Energy-Efficient AI Development

To tackle AI’s energy use, we need a mix of tech and policy changes. We should work on making algorithms and hardware use less energy. Also, we need to encourage data centers to be more eco-friendly8. Scientists are looking into ways to make computers work harder but use less power. For example, they’re trying to combine memory and processing units to save energy and time8.

It’s key to get everyone involved in making AI better for the planet. This includes AI makers, big companies, and government officials8. For example, Google cut its data center cooling energy use by 40% with a smart system8.

  1. Use energy-saving AI designs: Methods like mixed-quality services and early stopping can save a lot of energy without hurting performance8.
  2. Make AI training and use more efficient: Power-capping during training can cut energy use by 13.7%. Dynamic resource allocation during use can boost efficiency by over 75%8.
  3. Use green energy for AI: Switching to solar and wind power for data centers can greatly lower AI’s carbon footprint9.

By using these methods, the AI world can make a big difference for the environment. This will help us move towards a greener future89.

Energy-efficient AI

“Combining AI with energy policy and low-carbon power generation could reduce energy consumption by 40% and carbon emissions by 90% in 2050 compared to business-as-usual scenarios.”9

As AI becomes more popular, it’s vital for the industry to act fast. We need to use energy-saving tech, improve how we work, and use green energy. This way, AI can help make our future more sustainable89.

The Role of Policymakers and Stakeholders

AI’s popularity is growing fast, with ChatGPT reaching 173 million users by April 202310. This rise in AI use has raised concerns about its energy use. Data centers for AI might use 2 to 3 percent of U.S. and global power10. Even a single self-driving car can create up to 5,100 terabytes of data each year10.

It’s important to tackle AI’s hidden energy costs. This effort will need teamwork from many groups.

Insights from Matt Sinclair, Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Matt Sinclair from the University of Wisconsin-Madison says finding a balance is key. He believes that working together is essential. This includes utilities, computer scientists, and the U.S. Government10.

Together, they can find ways to manage AI’s energy use. Sinclair sees this as a chance for new research and solutions.

Policymakers have a big role in this effort. The Department of Energy predicts a big jump in data center energy use due to AI11. They think data centers might use up to 9% of U.S. electricity by 203011.

Congressional leaders want to work with policymakers. They aim to invest in infrastructure and partnerships to handle the energy needs11.

As tech and policymakers team up, new ideas are coming. NVIDIA is making chips that use less energy for AI and machine learning10. Techniques like pruning and quantization can also save energy10.

Working together is key. AI’s growth has led to more and bigger data centers, affecting the environment12. Moving to renewable energy for AI is crucial to cut down on emissions. Training one AI model can release as much carbon as five cars in their lifetime12.

Policymakers, computer scientists, and energy providers can work together. They can find ways to manage AI’s energy use. This way, AI’s benefits won’t be lost to its environmental impact.


The fast growth of AI technology has a hidden cost – it uses a lot of energy and harms the environment. Tech giants like Google use a lot of water13. AI models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT need a lot of energy13. And training advanced AI systems creates a lot of carbon emissions14.

This situation is a wake-up call. But it also gives us a chance to do better. We can make AI more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. By using new tech and green strategies15, we can reduce AI’s environmental impact.

Working together is key to making AI better. Policymakers, industry leaders, and tech innovators must team up. By setting rules and supporting green AI research1514, we can use AI for good. This won’t be simple, but we can make it happen. We can make AI help us without harming our planet.


What is the energy consumption of AI models?

A single query to a popular AI chatbot uses as much energy as a lightbulb for 20 minutes. This is more than 10 times the energy of a simple Google search. As AI models get more advanced, they need more power to process large amounts of data.

How much of the U.S. electricity consumption is expected to be used by AI data centers?

Experts say 2,700 AI data centers in the U.S. will use six percent of the country’s electricity by 2026. This is two percent more than in 2022. The rise in AI data centers and electric vehicles is increasing electricity demand fast.

What is the overall energy consumption of data centers, AI, and the cryptocurrency sector in the U.S.?

Data centers, AI, and cryptocurrency used about 460 terawatt hours in 2022. This is more than a tenth of the U.S.’s total electricity that year. The energy used by data centers mainly comes from fossil fuels, leading to more greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

How can the energy consumption of AI be addressed?

To reduce AI’s energy use, we need new technologies and policies. Researchers are working on making AI operations more energy-efficient. It’s also important to raise awareness and hold everyone accountable for AI’s impact on the planet.

How can collaboration between different stakeholders help address the energy demands of AI?

Matt Sinclair from the University of Wisconsin-Madison says we need teamwork to balance AI’s benefits and energy use. This includes utilities, computer scientists, and the U.S. Government. Sinclair believes this collaboration will lead to new research and strategies to tackle AI’s energy needs.