By 2030, the first fully error-corrected quantum computers might arrive. They could break the encryption we use today1. The era of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has started for many companies. They need to protect connected vehicles and systems with high security standards.

This is crucial for user safety and privacy. These systems might be used for over 40 years1. Now, PQC solutions are just 2 percent of the global cryptography market. But, the Quantum Insider report says the quantum security market could hit $10 billion by 20301.

Key Takeaways

  • Quantum computing poses a significant cybersecurity risk, with the potential to break commonly used encryption protocols.
  • The post-quantum cryptography (PQC) era has already begun, as companies with long-lived systems and products need to prepare for the quantum threat.
  • The quantum security market is expected to grow rapidly, reaching $10 billion by 2030.
  • Companies with substantial value at risk and long development cycles should start formulating their PQC strategies now.
  • The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is evaluating post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, with results expected in 2022.

The Looming Quantum Threat to Data Security

Quantum Computing’s Power and Cybersecurity Risks

Quantum computing is getting stronger fast, which is bad news for our current security systems. Systems like RSA and elliptical curve algorithms are at risk2. These are used to keep messages safe online, but quantum computers can break them easily with Shor’s algorithm3.

This means our encrypted messages could be read by anyone. It’s a big problem for keeping our data safe.

But, symmetric encryption seems safe for now. It uses the same key for both sending and receiving messages. Yet, sharing these keys securely is still a big challenge3.

The “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” problem makes things worse. Data encrypted today can be unlocked later when quantum computers get stronger2.

“Quantum computing is advancing rapidly, creating urgency for organizations to adopt quantum-safe encryption methods to protect their data.”2

Finance, healthcare, and telecom are especially at risk. They deal with a lot of sensitive information that could be stolen2. It’s important to act now to avoid big problems later.

Financial losses, damage to reputation, and losing customer trust are just some of the risks3.

To get ready for the quantum age, we need to do thorough risk checks. We also need to use new, quantum-safe encryption like QNu Labs offers2.

Assessing the Need for Post-Quantum Cryptography

As quantum computing looms, understanding cybersecurity is crucial. Risk managers need to look at data shelf life and system life. They must decide when to start quantum mitigation4.

High-value data and systems with long lives need immediate action. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is testing new cryptography. They expect to publish results in 20224.

quantum mitigation

Quantum computers will soon outperform traditional ones. This could lead to advanced AI in a few years5. Most current cryptography will be broken, making strong, quantum-safe solutions essential5.

The Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act of 2022 highlights the need for federal plans5. Cyber teams must assess risks and update strategies. This ensures data safety and compliance with new cryptography standards5.

“Organizations must revamp key management strategies, public key infrastructure deployments, and certificate life cycle management practices to ensure data protection and secure AI models using post-quantum cryptographic protocols.”5

As the quantum threat grows, governments and companies must work together. They need to plan for a post-quantum future6. Following NIST’s latest standards will help prepare infrastructure and software6.

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Preparing for the Quantum Computing Era

Researchers are working hard to reach 10,000 qubits in quantum computers by 20247. This makes post-quantum cryptography (PQC) very important. PQC aims to create algorithms that can resist future quantum computers7. But, only about 2% of the global cryptography market uses PQC solutions7.

Companies have to decide how to prepare for quantum computers. They can start using PQC now, update systems later, or improve traditional encryption7. PQC offers strong protection but has big keys that might slow down systems7.

Projects like the Open Quantum Safe Project and the NIST Post-quantum Project are working on quantum-safe algorithms7. Google and Cloudflare are already using these standards, showing the way forward8.

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) need a plan that includes both old and new cryptography8. This mix will keep systems safe from quantum attacks7. Even though big quantum computers aren’t here yet, it’s important to be ready8.

post-quantum cryptography solutions

Companies must act fast to protect their data from quantum threats78. By using post-quantum cryptography, they can keep their systems safe in the quantum age.

Challenges and Considerations for Adopting PQC

The move to post-quantum cryptography (PQC) brings many challenges. The main issue is cost. PQC is more expensive than traditional methods9. This is a big problem for companies that handle a lot of data and devices.

Also, PQC is still new. Its ability to protect against quantum and regular threats is not proven9. This means companies might have to use both old and new methods. This adds to the cost and makes things more complicated9.

Cost, Performance, and Uncertainty of Current Solutions

PQC algorithms also have a performance issue. They need bigger keys, which means more work for computers10. This can make things slower and require more powerful hardware. It might even slow down your system.

  • NIST has announced three standards for post-quantum cryptography9.
  • 54% of experts believe that within 15 years quantum computers could crack RSA-2048 encryption in 24 hours9.
  • A 20-million-qubit system could crack 2048-bit RSA in less than eight hours9.
  • Implementing new cryptographic standards across devices could take 10 to 15 years9.

There’s also doubt about how long PQC algorithms will last10. Some worry that NIST-approved standards might not last the next decade9. This makes companies think twice before spending a lot on PQC.

PQC adoption challenges

Even with these problems, PQC is becoming more urgent. But, switching to PQC will be very expensive and take a long time9.

Challenges Considerations
Cost of PQC solutions Higher price point compared to traditional cryptography
PQC performance impact Larger key sizes leading to increased computational demands and resource usage
Uncertainty of PQC algorithms Concerns about long-term viability and potential vulnerabilities
Transition to new standards Estimated to take 10 to 15 years to implement across devices

Dealing with these issues requires a careful plan for PQC adoption. It’s important to weigh the costs, performance, and future needs. This will help ensure a smooth transition to quantum-safe cryptography.


Quantum computing is advancing fast, making post-quantum cryptography more urgent. Quantum computers have grown from two qubits to over 1,000. They could break RSA-2048 encryption in just 19.8 quadrillion years, which is too soon for keeping data safe11.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is working hard to set standards for quantum-safe cryptography. They are looking at lattice-based, code-based, multivariate, and hash-based cryptography12. Cryptographers are racing to create post-quantum cryptographic algorithms strong enough to resist quantum threats12.

Businesses and cybersecurity experts need to act quickly. They must check how sensitive their data is and update their encryption methods. This change won’t be easy, as quantum computers still have errors and performance issues11. But, it’s crucial for keeping important data and systems safe in the quantum age. By staying updated, making plans, and working together, companies can protect their data from the quantum computing threat12.


What is post-quantum cryptography (PQC)?

Post-quantum cryptography is about making encryption safe from quantum computers. It’s all about creating secure ways to send messages that quantum computers can’t break.

When will fully error-corrected quantum computers become available?

Experts think we might see the first fully error-corrected quantum computers by 2030.

How will quantum computing impact current encryption methods?

Quantum computers will break many encryption methods we use today. This includes RSA and elliptic curve algorithms. They can read messages that were meant to be secret.

How can organizations prepare for the quantum threat?

Companies should figure out how important their data is. They should think about how long they’ll keep it and how long their systems will last. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is testing new encryption methods. They expect to share the results in 2022.

What are the key considerations for adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) solutions?

Using PQC solutions means spending more money and dealing with slower performance. It’s also not clear if they’ll work against all threats. Companies might need to use both old and new encryption methods for the best security.